Broadwater CE Primary School Curriculum Statement
Turn your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding. (Proverbs 2:2)
Broadwater is a Christian School. We will enable children to become wise confident successful learners with the motivation, skills and responsibility to make a positive difference in God’s world. Our vision is underpinned by the values we live by.
Our creative curriculum is carefully planned so that our children experience learning that is ‘deep and irresistible’. Each term is themed and much emphasis is placed on providing rich experiences that enable children to become absorbed in their learning, making connections between their community and the wider world. Our creative curriculum is closely referenced to the National Curriculum and is skills-based; every opportunity is taken to deepen children's knowledge and understanding through their learning journey. The themes (topics) are outlined below in the table. The theme names are designed to hint at the learning journey to come, creating anticipation without spoiling the 'surprise'.
Curriculum Overview |
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Early Years |
Early Years Overview | |||
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 | Year 3 Overview | |||
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Our School Values are woven through the themes, and children are encouraged to develop their ideas and opinions showing consideration of others. They are given the opportunity to lead aspects of their topic, developing enquiry and questioning skills.
The teaching of English is a core element of each theme (topic) with rich texts used to enhance the teaching and learning. Reading for pleasure is highly valued at Broadwater and children are encouraged to read daily and share their favourite books and authors with the school community.
Reading is taught in English lessons and regular guided reading lessons from Early Years through to Year 6. Our school uses Ruth Miskin Literacy (Read Write Inc.) to support phonics teaching and reading.
Mathematics is taught as a discrete subject with curriculum links made where possible. Links to real-life application is incorporated wherever possible with elements of reasoning in every lesson.
Deep and Irresistible Learning
We begin each term with a ‘Stunning Start’ enabling children to actively engage with the theme. This may be a trip, visitor or activity.
Some homework takes the form of take-away tasks aimed at sharing the learning with other adults and family at home.
Children will be given opportunity to work both individually and collaboratively in school.
Work will be presented in a variety of ways including art, drama, dance, presentations etc. The journey of learning that children take will be evidenced in their Topic Books which will vary in style as they progress through the school.
A Programme of Study can be found in each Year Group area with fuller details of the areas of learning covered for each National Curriculum subject.