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Spring 1 - Help Me!

Our topic begins when we find letters in our classroom. They say Help me! Our learning journey develops as we try to find out who needs help and why. The children think about when they have needed help and who helps them. We continue this theme as we learn about people in our community who help us. Parents and friends of the school are invited to come and talk to the children about their jobs and how they help people. Eventually the children discover who sent them the letters. He is lost and needs help to get home. We become animal experts and are challenged by a superhero called Girl Lightning to help our lost animal return home. We discover that we are all superheroes and have God-given talents and abilities.


Spring 2 - Under the Ground

Ever wondered what lurks beneath? During this term we endeavour to find out all about what is under the ground. We begin with a stunning start, a darkened classroom and a mound of soil…what can the children find in the soil. We share all the different things we know about and we learn even more. We share fiction and non-fiction books and learn how to build a class Wormery. We all go digging for worms in the garden. We talk about and compare the length of the worms we find.

This leads nicely into the next part of our learning…when we read ‘Oliver’s vegetables’. We investigate what vegetables need to grow.  As a class we embrace our British Values and take a vote to decide on soup flavours, before embarking on a morning of soup making, followed by, an afternoon of soup tasting…mmmm.

The learning follows a path to The Enormous Turnip where we share a variety of different versions of this well known story.

Questions we'll be asking:

  • Who helps us?
  • How many different ways can we travel?
  • What can I do when I feel sad?
  • Which countries are cold?
  • What materials could I use to make a vehicle?
  • Why do we have maps?
  • What makes me a superhero?
  • What is Chinese New Year? How is it celebrated?