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Recovery Premium

Recovery Premium academic year 2023-2024


Teachers will continue to formatively assess the children on return to school using a variety of methods in line with school assessment procedures.

The end of year assessments 2023 have provided the information required to plan for the autumn term’s provision. Intervention sessions will start the week beginning 11th September.

Gaps of knowledge/skill to address

The main focus for support is:

  • consolidation/revisit of skills and knowledge
  • revisiting of teaching where it is clear children can not apply or have not understood.

Early Years- Booster programme to begin once the Baseline has been completed

Year 1 – Teacher lead intervention 1.75 hours a week with English focus RML x 2 groups Becoming 1st Class @ Number x1 group 3 sessions  week

Year 2 - RML x2 groups 1st Class @ Number x2 group 4 sessions  week

Year 3 - RML x 2 groups

Year 4 - RML x 2 groups Success@Arithmetic x2 group 2 sessions  week

Year 5 - Success@Arithmetic x1 group 2 sessions  week

Year 6 - Additional Teacher 3 morning a week- English and mathematics support.  Teacher run intervention 3.5 hours a week.


Future Action

All intervention groups run by teachers have ongoing assessments that form part of the formative classroom assessment records.

The intervention and tuition is bespoke. Teaching support/focus will change to meet the need of each cohort once impact has been analysed. Any change will be carefully monitored by Senior Leadership Team.

All maths intervention programmes will resume from 11th September. Year 3 1st Class@number and Year 4 Number Sense start in Spring term.  All programmes and additional support to be reviewed at half term as personnel may change and new training is completed.


Details of Expenditure of Catch up Premium Grant in academic year 2020-2021

Catch up fund Expenditure Report -Catch Up Fund Expenditure Report Spring 2 and Summer Term


Catch up Premium Summer term academic year 2021-2022

Intervention Programme  Summer Term 2022


Teachers will continue to formatively assess the children on return to school using a variety of methods in line with school assessment procedures.

Gaps of knowledge/skill to address

  1. The main focus for support is:
  • consolidation/revisit of skills and knowledge
  • revisiting of teaching where it is clear children cannot apply or have not understood.

Early Year- Booster programme to begin now the Baseline has been completed

Year 1- 1.75 per week - writing focus tuition x5 groups of 4 children 20mins (summer term Tuition Funding)

2.5 hours Becoming 1st Class@Number

Summer 1 only- 1:3 Reading Programme twice a week (40mins)

Year 2- 3.5 hours 1st Class@Numbers x1 groups 3 times a week.

Year 3 - 3.5 hours 1st Class@Numbers x1 groups 3 times a week.

Year 4- Summer 1 1hour x2 groups - writing focus.

Summer 1 only- 1:3 Reading Programme twice a week (40mins)

Year 5- Two Teacher run intervention groups 5 hours a week: writing focus

1:3 maths tuition twice weekly- 7-week programme (S@A)

Year 6- Summer 1 Teacher run intervention 1.75 hr (maths 0.75hr, writing 1.75hr and reading 0.5hr)

RML programmes running in:

Year 1 x4 groups

Year 2 x3 groups

Year 3 x2 groups (comprehension and phonics)

Year 4 – 3 children


Future Action

Programmes to be reviewed at the end of the summer term.



Catch up Premium Spring term academic year 2021-2022

Intervention Programme- Spring Term 2022


Teachers will continue to formatively assess the children using a variety of methods in line with school assessment procedures.

The end of spring 1 data has provided the information required to plan for the spring 2 provision. Intervention and booster sessions started the week beginning 28th February.

Gaps of knowledge/skill to address

1. The main focus for support is:

· consolidation/revisit of skills and knowledge

· revisiting of teaching where it is clear children cannot apply or have not understood.

Early Year- Booster programme to begin now the Baseline has been completed

Year 1 Tuition Funding: - 1.75 per week - writing focus tuition x5 groups of 4 children 20mins (spring term)

          2.5 hours Becoming 1st Class@Number

Year 2- Additional teaching hours 3.5 hours a week: mathematics

           7 hours 1st Class@Numbers x2 groups 3 times a week.

Year 3- Teacher run intervention 1.75 hours per week - writing focus.

Year 4- Additional teaching hours 1.75 x2 weekly - writing focus.

           NumberSense x2 weekly (45mins)

Year 5- Teacher run intervention 1.75 hours per week - reading

           Teacher run intervention 1.75 hours per week - mathematics

           Success@arithmetic 1 group x3 times weekly (45mins)

Year 6- Teacher run intervention 4.5 hours a week (math, writing and reading)

           3 teachers for English and math x3 days a week

Across the school: 3.5 hours 2 groups x2 weekly.

RML programmes running in:

Year 1 x2 groups

Year 2 x3 groups

Year 3 x2 groups (comprehension and phonics)

Year 4 x3 groups (x1 comprehension and x2 phonics)

Future Action

All programmes and additional support to be reviewed at the end of the spring term.


Catch up Premium Autumn term academic year 2021-2022

Catch up fund Expenditure Report - Catch Up Funding 2021 Sep

Autumn Term 2021/2022


Teachers will continue to formatively assess the children on return to school using a variety of methods in line with school assessment procedures.

The end of year assessments 2021 have provided the information required to plan for the autumn term’s provision. Intervention and booster sessions will start the week beginning 13th September.

Gaps of knowledge/skill to address

  1. The main focus for support is:
  • consolidation/revisit of skills and knowledge
  • revisiting of teaching where it is clear children can not apply or have not understood.

Early Year- Booster programme to begin once the Baseline has been completed

Year 2- Additional teaching hours 3.5 hours a week: Mathematics and writing focus- spring term

Year 3- Teacher run intervention 1.75 hours per week autumn 1: reading focus

Year 4- Additional teaching hours 22.5 hours per week: English and mathematics support 1:3 x3 groups reading tuition twice weekly- 7-week programme

Year 5- Two Teacher run intervention groups 5 hours a week: writing and mathematics focus 1:3 maths tuition twice weekly- 7-week programme

Year 6- Teacher run intervention 3.5 hours a week.

Future Action

All intervention groups run by teachers have ongoing assessments that form part of the formative classroom assessment records.

The intervention and tuition that the ‘catch up finance’ is funding is bespoke. Teaching support/focus will change to meet the need of each cohort once impact has been analysed. Any change will be carefully monitored by Senior Leadership Team.

All maths intervention programmes will resume from 13th September. Number Sense to resume in the spring term.

All programmes and additional support to be reviewed at half term as personnel are leaving.


 For information on the Recovery Premium expenditure please see Pupil Premium pages on our website.