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Summer 1 - Out of the egg!

Our topic begins when we are brought a basket of eggs and a copy of the story book Oh Dear! We are then challenged to find out about eggs. We set about finding out as much information about eggs as we can. We start by asking lots of questions… What comes out of an egg? How many ways can you eat eggs? Who has eggs for breakfast? We continue to learn about healthy food and the importance of a balanced diet.

Our learning journey gets even more exciting when we have real eggs to look after in our classroom. We write our own non-fiction books to share our experiences about what happens when our eggs hatch. As we discover what emerges from our eggs, our learning then provides an opportunity to find out and learn how to look after a living animal.

Questions we'll be asking:

  • What comes out of an egg?
  • How many different ways can we eat eggs?
  • How do we care for eggs and the animal that hatches from them?
  • What is a healthy breakfast?
  • Why do we need an incubator?
  • How do eggs change when they are cooked?


Summer 2 - Fantastic Farms

Our topic begins with a trip to the farm where we think about why there are farms. The questions we ask will determine the direction of our work, we will explore different animals and the foods they produce.  Leading us to look at traditional tales like; 'Farmer Duck' and 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff.'  Towards the end of the term we complete a unit of work to support smooth transition into year 1.

Questions we'll be asking:

  • Why do we have cows on a farm?
  • What are cows used for around the world?
  • What can we do with milk?
  • What would we have on our own farm? 
  • Where does food come from?
  • How do we feel about change? 
  • Who can we talk to if we are worried?