Autumn - “Jambo Rafiki” (Hello Friend)
This term we will take the children on an amazing African discovery where they will learn about culture, art and everyday rural life through wonderful literature and enriching visits. We will explore where Africa is in the world, and will learn about animals native to Africa and their habitats. We will investigate how skeletons and muscles work together to help us move and look at food chains and animal classification. The books we read will inspire us to write. We will design and make an African pancake. Using a variety of different techniques, we will explore African patterns in art, creating our own African textile piece and blow ink picture. We will end our journey exploring the beats of Africa.
Peer Mediation
During the year, all the Year 3 children are trained to be Peer Mediators. Once trained, we will be asking for volunteers to work on a rota basis with the Infant School children at play times.
Questions we'll be asking:
- What do African animals eat? How do they move?
- How do we research safely information about Africa?
- How will you write a hunting story in the style of Paul Geraghty?
- How can we improve our African pancakes?
- What are the rhythms and sounds in African dance and music?
- Which African flags are symmetrical?
Can you help?
We regularly need help in school. If you are able to help volunteer with any activity, please let the School Office know.