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Contact Us

Headteacher: Mr Morrissey

Broadwater Church of England Primary School
Rectory Gardens
West Sussex
BN14 7TQ

Telephone: 01903 235389


If you would like to make an enquiry about the school then please email our Office Manager, Mrs Cunnington at (she will be happy to help or direct your enquiry to the person who can). Alternatively, you can use the form below. Please make sure you leave either an email address or phone number so that we can contact you.  

Information about Special Educational Needs (SEN) can be found in the SEN/Local Offer section of our website in the Curriculum area. If you would like to speak to Mrs Mitchell, our Inclusion Manager about SEN matters, please contact the school office using the options provided here. 

If you require paper copies of information on the website, then please speak to a member of the office team who will be happy to help.


If you would like to contact the Governing Board or a member of the Governing Board, then please send a clearly headed email to our address. 

All correspondence will be treated as confidential.