Summer – Up on the Downs
Beginning Year 6 down at the sea, we end our year by venturing up to The South Downs and exploring the diversity of our local habitats and wildlife.
Reflecting on and enjoying our natural world is our priority this term! Rich in folklore and legends, the South Downs inspire our writing through poetry and narrative. Our key text, Skellig, enables us to explore themes of nature, life and death, conflict, freedom and independence. We develop our map reading skills by planning and completing a walk back to school from Cissbury ring and broaden our historical knowledge by conducting a local history study of how Broadwater has changed over time.
Our art for this term is based on the ancient art of paper cutting – an art with a long history! We also explore printing and the work of artists, Georgia O'Keefe and William Morris. The inspiration for our own printing is based on our own beautiful wildlife. In Science, we explore classification of species, looking specifically at the scientist, Carl Linnaeus and The Linnaean System.
In RE, we look at the concept of Salvation, focusing on the resurrection. By the end of this unit of learning, we produce a piece of artwork that depicts our own interpretation of the resurrection and what this means to us.
Questions we'll be asking:
- Can you locate features on the OS map whilst on a field trip?
- How has Broadwater changed over the last 200 years? What has it lost and gained?
- How can we use The Linnaean system to classify species?
- What do you know about our locality?
- Why is the South Downs a National Park?