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Communication and Community Committee

Terms of Reference


  • Make available to the parent body any statutory or legal documents required.
  • Review the content of the school prospectus, for final approval by the governing body;
  • Review the school’s admissions policy, which will include the admission criteria, for final approval by the governing body;
  • Develop the school’s relationship with the local churches.
  • Review the school’s charging policy.


  • Work with the headteacher to promote the school in the community;
  • Ensure that there are adequate opportunities for governors to meet parents.
  • Review procedures for parents’ complaints;
  • Establish and review guidelines for governors’ visits to school;
  • Ensure that the timetable for the review of the admissions policy provides adequate time for the statutorily required annual consultation with the LA.
  • Undertake annual review of school website (approved delegated responsibility at FGB 25.03.14)
    • Ensure information published on the website includes Curriculum information. This is a LIVE document and the website must be updated as soon as possible after a change and at least annually. (Recommended delegated responsibility at FGB 27th November 2013)
    • Register of pupils’ admissions to school – delegated responsibility of Headteacher but Comms responsible for review. (Recommended delegated responsibility at FGB 27th November 2013)