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Prayer Spaces

Prayers shared with St Mary's 

St Mary's Church in Broadwater was delighted to share prayers written by Year 5 pupils in their Good Friday service.  The prayers were in response to a discussion on why Christians pray.  

This child chose to write a prayer to support a Christian.

Dear Our Father,

We sit in a dark room,

No feeling, no love.

That is when you carry us.

You open the locked door,

You let the light flood in,

Dark becomes light.

The room we sit in is covered in love,

Not any love, but your love.

And now we fly, supported by the wings of God.

We never fall.

We show the world who helped us,

We will show the world how you lead us,

Into glory.


Prayer Week at Broadwater 

On Tuesday 15th March a team from the Christian charity ‘Off the Fence’ came and helped staff to turn the studio into an amazing prayer space. To read the Off the Fence report, please click here

Seven activities were set up which all the children in school were able to visit with their classes from the 16th-18th March. Some children got to visit for a second time with Worship Club or in a quieter SEN time. Each activity had a focus and all the children had a chance to give feedback about their experience in the prayer space.

“The prayer space is a time to communicate with God so I think it is a good idea. You can tell him what you need, what you feel, saying you’re sorry and it is just a place to count on God. It is peaceful, quiet, calm area for you to pray to God.” Year 6

Jump for Joy - focusing on children thinking of things that make them happy

“The jump for joy made me think what I am grateful for.” Year 5

Saying Sorry - encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their action and seek forgiveness. The children really enjoyed writing what they were sorry for on a piece of paper and shredding it.

“I enjoyed writing down things that I have done wrong then shredding them. I now feel that I can re-start my life and I don’t have to worry. This experience helped me calm myself and get rid of my worries.” Year 6

“I liked the shredder because it felt like I could just let go of the things I did wrong.” Year 4

Think Good Thoughts - an area where children wrote down things they liked about themselves and posted it in a smiley box.

“I liked the table where you write things you like about yourself because it made me feel happy and proud of who I am. I loved this place because I felt unique. I loved it because I felt calm and joyful.” Year 3


The World – this activity involved children shining a torch into a box to reveal a country, finding it on the map and writing a prayer for that country or any country on their mind

“The prayer space made me think of other countries and not just my own. I now know I don’t have to pray silently. I can do it in many ways. It made me think and feel that I am close to God always.” Year 6


Finger breathing – A quiet activity which encouraged them to stop for a moment and let go of the things that worry them.

“I felt happy because I thought about my worries.” Year 1

“I especially liked the finger exercise because I felt that when I sat down and told teachers about my worries I could really trust them. It also made me calm down.” Year 5

Heavens Above - was a very popular station because there was a beautiful tent with twinkly lights, a bubble machine and stars on the roof. Whilst children sat or lay in there they discussed what amazes them most about the universe and what amazes them most about God.

“I liked the tent because it was a good time to sit down in silence and talk to God.” Year 6

Big Questions- this was a very popular activity. If you could ask God one Big question what would it be? There were hundreds of amazing questions. Here are just a few.

What part of creation do you like the most?

If God created Adam and Eve after the creatures, how were dinosaurs alive for millions of years without humans?

What is it like being God?

How can you be with everyone when there’s only one of you?

How can you hear our prayers?

Why can’t we see you?

“I learnt about lots of different activities and ways I can pray. I liked realising that I am far from the only person who thinks big thoughts. The jump for joy seemed to bring my class together and we learnt about each other there.” Year 6



The responses we have had from adults and children show that everyone appreciated having the time to visit the prayer space and many children were sad to see that the prayer space wasn’t staying.

Davison High School kindly supported the prayer week by bringing a group of students to the first session each day which enriched the children’s experience. We are also very grateful to the clergy and their team from both St Mary’s and Offington Methodist Church for supporting the week and to Governors and parents who gave up their time to volunteer. Our final thanks go to Rich, Lizzie and Suzanne from the Off the Fence Team who were at Broadwater daily and helped facilitate this amazing opportunity.