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If you are considering applying for a place for your child at Broadwater Church of England Primary School, it is important that you read through our Admissions Policy carefully.  In all circumstances, the governors will apply the Admissions Criteria as listed when considering entry to the school.  Our admissions policy does not discriminate on grounds of ethnicity, race, disability or special educational needs.  Please contact the school office if you have any questions. 

Academic Year 2024/25:

Admission to Broadwater Church of England Primary School 2024-2025


In Year 3, we increase our class numbers from 30 to 32 children per class.  This means that every year we have 4 spaces in this year group.  If you are interested in a Year 3 school place for your child, please contact the office 01903 235389 or email the School Admissions Officer via:

Please click on the headings below to view and print off the documents listed:

FOR IN-YEAR TRANSFER (Academic Year 2024/25)

IN-YEAR Admission to Broadwater Church of England Primary School 2024-2025

If you have any queries relating to admissions please email ( and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 


For information about appeals please click on the link below:

School Admission Appeals Guide 

Broadwater C o fE Primary Admissions Appeal Timetable for 2024