School governors are volunteers who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They do not need to be education experts or have formal qualifications.
The most effective governors are those who:
- listen, think and ask questions
- believe that education is important
- take an interest in the role of schools in the community
- can work with others and assimilate a wide range of information and data
- have a willingness to learn
- have sound communication skills
- are prepared to give time to doing the job well.
A governor performs a vital strategic role as part of a governing body.
Governors need to make time to:
- attend full governing body meetings, usually twice a term
- attend committee and working party meetings about once or twice a term
- attend school events
- read reports and background papers before meetings
- visit the school during the working day
- take part, if necessary, in staff appointment panels, pupil exclusion panels, complaints panels and staff discipline and grievance hearings
- attend training
The governing body
Individual governors have no power or responsibility. It is only the full governing body that has legal duties and powers. However, all governors share in that corporate responsibility.
The school's direction is agreed by the governing body, headteacher and senior leadership team, who also make sure the school is meeting its targets.
The headteacher and staff manage the school on a day-to-day basis.
(Information taken from