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Governors' Committees
How they operate:
- Carry out their delegated responsibilities
- Carry out their advisory responsibilities
- Carry out governing body delegated tasks
- Direct their chair and vice chair to:
- Liase with other chair at chairs meeting to maintain work progress
- Inform full governing body of progress of delegated and advisory responsibilities
- Bring together the decisions of each committee and allow continual progress.
- Maintain the strategic overview (by listening to the works of all the committees and feeding this back to committees)
- Monitor and evaluate the governing body’s effectiveness and advise on training and development
- Ensure a consistent approach
- Inform the full governing body of the progress of each committee
Full Governing Body
- Debates and completes its non-delegated responsibilities
- Acts as a forum for each governor to be fully appraised of each of the committees’ work and the strategic overview
- Sets the priority and direction for each committee (within the School Development Plan)
- Sets the committees
- Sets/alters delegated responsibilities
- Makes final decision on all committees’ advisory responsibilities