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Friends at Broadwater (F@B)

A Warm Welcome from your F@B Team

Friends at Broadwater (F@B) is a charity set up to support Broadwater C of E Primary School. We are
a team of parents and carers who work with the school’s leadership team to plan events throughout
the school year with the aim of achieving two things: raising money, and providing the children and
their families with enriching opportunities and enjoyment within our school community.

Key events in the year include the Summer Fair and the Christmas Fair.  We run discos for the older
children at the school, Bingo & Quiz Nights for all the family, and provide support at additional events
in the school calendar, such as giving out gifts and helping at Christmas lunch.  

We provide a pre-loved (second-hand) uniform service, taking donations of uniform kindly provided by
the school community, and making these available for others. This is a service that everyone is
welcome to use, simultaneously providing families with uniform at great value, and helping everyone to
reduce their environmental impact by not always buying new.

You can send your uniform requests to the email address below: a member of the team will check the
stock levels for you and get the items to you if available. We welcome donations for all items we
provide – these can be sent over via the account details below, or cash can be put in an envelope
marked “F@B uniform” and handed to the office. Items are not priced, and we ask you to donate what
you can afford to support the school.

When your child joins Broadwater C of E, you automatically become a member of Friends at
Broadwater, though there is no obligation to pay anything or to attend any of the events.

We always welcome new volunteers! If you can spare some time to help with our events or attend
meetings, please let us know, we are always up for new ideas. We have a core team which you are
very welcome to join, but we could not run anything without the additional support of many parents,
carers, and family members, who are not on the committee, but show up to run stalls, supervise
activities, set up and clear away afterwards. Thank you in advance for your time and efforts.

Similarly, if you run a local business and may be prepared to consider providing resources, services, or
event sponsorship for us, please email the Chairperson to arrange a discussion.

We are registered with easyfundraising, which means you can help us for FREE. Over 7,000 brands
will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself! All
you need to do is sign up and remember to use easyfundraising whenever you shop online. It’s easy
and completely FREE! These donations really mount up, so please sign up to support us at

We look forward to working with you.

To contact the Chairship Team:
To send requests for pre-loved uniform:

To make an online donation for uniform, or any other donation to F@B:
Account name: Friends at Broadwater C of E Primary School
Sort code 30 99 93 Account number 0210577