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Resources Committee

Terms of Reference


  • review the final budget plan and approve on behalf of the full governing body;
  • ensure preparation of a draft budget based on priorities, in the school development plan;
  • notify the approved budget plan to the LA;
  • agree the levels of delegation to the headteacher and chair of Resources for the day-to-day financial management of the school;
  • monitor income and expenditure of all public funds according to an agreed timescale i.e. budget share and any other funds;
  • approve transfer between budget headings (virement) within agreed limits;
  • authorise signatories for the school bank account for notification to the County Treasurer;
  • arrange audit of non-LA funds received;
  • respond to any issue arising from the audit of the school accounts;
  • prepare any financial information for reports required by law;
  • approve any disposal of assets from the Inventory, before actual disposal in line with scheme of delegation.
  • agree procedures for governors to claim expenses;
  • undertake an annual programme of repairs and maintenance after carrying out an annual inspection of the premises;
  • oversee major capital works and improvements, building responsibilities;
  • ensure the availability of the governors’ contribution of 10%;
  • arrange the letting of contracts in accordance with the LA’s Standing Orders;
  • agree the level of maintenance service the school wishes to buy from service providers;
  • monitor and review the lettings and charges policy for the use of school premises which takes account of the needs of the local community and any rules/recommendations set by the LA on community use outside school hours;
  • ensure adequate premises insurance;
  • monitor and review policies for security and fire safety, health and safety, including monitoring procedures;
  • ensure the school complies with health and safety regulations;
  • ensure that suitable risk assessments are prepared and that action is taken to minimise risk;
  • take any necessary action to meet governors’ responsibilities under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, relating to litter and refuse;
  • monitor gas, water, electricity services.
  • ensure maintenance of signatories for Governor Fund accounts;
  • ensure annual audit of Governor Fund accounts carried out;
  • ensure that SFVS requirements are reviewed and monitored.