Make a swap, when you next shop!
Have you seen any adverts on television for the new Change 4 Life initiative? The initiative is encouraging children and adults to make a sugar swap to save future health problems and tooth decay.
Did you know just one or two everyday swaps can really make a difference to how much sugar your child is having, while still keeping them happy?
Children in England are eating an extra 2,800 sugar cubes a year, which is more than double the recommended guidelines. That's 8 cubes too many each day!
Half of the sugar in children's diets comes from sugary drinks, sweets, biscuits, cakes, puddings, sugary breakfast cereals and higher-sugar yoghurts and puddings, but it's easy to cut back by swapping from higher- to lower-sugar products.
Mr Wong has led an assembly for years 1-6 to introduce the 2019 Change 4 Life initiative and we would ask that parents do all you can to support the school in encouraging children to cut down on the amount of sugar they are consuming. Teachers will be covering this in their PSHE lessons too.
The Change 4 Life Website below has a useful sugar calculator and ideas for sugar swaps. It also includes reminders about the useful free Change 4 Life food scanner you can download, a good choice badge you can look for while shopping and a reminder about looking at the traffic light labels so you pick ones that have green for sugar.