Summer – Digging Deep
In the Summer Term, Year 3 become archaeologists and go ‘Digging Deep’ as we travel back in time to prehistory. We shall meet our very own “Stone Age Boy” who will help us explore the past. We will investigate the essential Stone Age skills needed for survival such as shelter building, finding food and tool making. We will explore the significance of ancient monuments and create our own cave art. In science we shall discover the different properties of soils and rocks. On a visit to Butser Ancient Farm, Year 3 will spend the day finding out that Stone Age people were not that different to us!
Questions we’ll be asking
How do we find out about the Stone Age?
How was the Paleolithic lifestyle different to the Neolithic lifestyle?
What were the skills Stone Age people needed for survival?
How do you build a Stone Age shelter?
What is the local significance of Cissbury Ring?
What did places like Stonehenge and Skara Brae means to Stone Age people?
Where are the Stone Age monuments in the United Kingdom?
Which soils were best to grow crops in?
Which rocks made the best tools?