Stage 5: The Grid Method
Children’s earlier use of arrays as a representation for multiplication leads on to the grid method as the first formal written method of multiplication.

This is then supported further using Dienes apparatus and Cuisenaire rods to reinforce the place value of the numbers involved. Through the use of the practical resources, children will be able to access the written grid method from Year 2 and 3 upwards. Most children should be secure in the use of written grid method for multiplication by the end of Year 4 for the multiplication of TU and HTU x U.
TU x U
e.g. 16 x 4

The use of practical resources runs alongside the written recording in the grid format.

e.g. 12 x 18

e.g. 372 x 24

By this stage, children will be using the grid method solely as a written method for multiplication, without the need for practical resources to create visual images.
This method can also be applied easily to the multiplication of decimal numbers.
TU x U.t
e.g. 42 x 3.7
Please click on the link below to watch a video modelling the 2 digit by 2 digit grid method multiplication strategy.
Multiplication 2 digit by 2 digit grid method