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Supporting your child


Takeaway Tasks

You are invited to share in your children’s learning with the “Takeaway Tasks” they will be doing for homework.

Our aim is to develop, alongside knowledge, powerful learning skills. These would include: problem solving; time/work management; creativity; discussion skills; developing choice and initiative.

These Takeaway Tasks enable our pupils to take ownership of their learning in an enjoyable, personal and creative way.

Autumn term Takeaway Tasks

Takeaway tasks for the Autumn term are outlined below.  Children are expected to complete one each half term, however are free to do more if they so wish.

Here are your choices of Take Away tasks for the topic 'From Coast to Coast!' 

Choose to complete 2 by the end of the Autumn term (1 each ½ term). Dates due in: w/b 16th October (Autumn 1) and 4th December (Autumn 2) 

Learning Style Activities    


I enjoy reading, writing and speaking
A video “Newsround” report on something that has been found on a beach, including written background information/ research Read a story about a shipwreck or survival and summarise in your own words News paper report on Michael being found.


I enjoy working with numbers and science
Draw a map of Kensuke’s island and use OS symbols to show features and coordinates. Create a mathematical puzzle book to keep Michael entertained on the island. Create a message for HELP.Find out how you would do this in Morse code. What is the history of Morse code?


I enjoy painting, drawing and visualising.
Draw a tropical plant or animal and explain how it is adapted to its environment Draw or paint an island view in the style of an artist and evaluate the final outcome Research “The great wave off Kanagawa” by Hokusai. Create an art response page to explore the picture


I enjoy doing hands on activities
Create a miniature model of a raft/shelter using recyclable materials. Include an annotated diagram and information on raft building. Create a sculpture entitled All Washed Up. Include anexplanation of your art work. Visit a tropical environment – take photos e.g. Wakehurst Place, Kew Gardens, Eden Project. Create a fact page to show what you have learned.


I am interested in the natural world around me.
Research a food chain that would exist on an island such as Fiji. Record asa diagram. Explain tides, sea erosion and waves. Why is sea water salty? Research an animal that lives on a tropical island. Present this in the form of your choice


I enjoy making music and listening to music.
Find some sea/ storm inspired music for us all to listen to. Design a CD cover and write a description of the music using musical vocabulary Desert Island discs – Record which 8 songs you would take with you and the reasons behind each one. Compose your own music for the project and record or play to us all. Write a description of the music using musical vocabulary


I enjoy working by myself
Research a famous sailor/adventurer and present this however you want e.g. PowerPoint, booklet, poster… Explain why being alone on the island could be challenging. What would you take to ensure your survival? Make a response to the sea shore – a painting, a poem your choice.


I enjoy thinking about BIG! issues.
What qualities would make you a good island survivor? Present this in a form of your choice. If you had the Bible with you on the island. Which bits would you highlight for comfort? Explain your reasons Research the story of Jonah and the whale. Record this as a diary account from Jonah’s point of view.