Supporting your child
If you are able to offer any assistance in the classroom we would be delighted to hear from you, even it’s only half an hour in the mornings to support individual reading.
Please continue to read daily with your child and play word games related to reading and spelling lists sent home.
If you want to do more, here are some ideas...
Watch Together
Wildlife programmes related to forests, owls and wolves.
Watch the animated versions of Stick Man and The Gruffalo's Child.
Do Together
- Visit woods or forests
- Collect leaves and sticks to create your own forest
- Go to the library and find books linked to our topic
- Look at ideas on the Woodland Trust for the whole family: Woodland Trust
Read Together
Read at least 3 times a week. Read with your child and write in the CAPER diary.
Read a range of fairy tales, including different versions. How many different versions of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ can you find? Talk about the similarities and differences.
Read some Julia Donaldson stories.