Supporting your child
- Please continue to upload observations to the ILD. We have sent home the Early learning goals (expected level of attainment for the end of early years) so you can use these to guide your observations.
How can you join in?
- Please read with your child daily making at least weekly comments in the CAPER diary
- Play word games related to reading/spelling lists
- Continue to make regular observations on the ILD
If you want to do more, here are some ideas…
Explore Together
Do Together
- Play games, do jigsaws
- Use construction toys to build a hen house
- Draw, paint or collage different creatures that come out of eggs
- Look for signs of Spring/Summer
- Visit the library
Read Together
Any stories about eggs – non-fiction and fiction including:
- Green Eggs and Ham and other Dr Seuss books
- Rosie’s walk by Pat Hutchins
- Daisy and the Egg by Jane Simmons
- The Ugly Duckling