In order to support your child to their full potential, homework is taking higher priority this year as discussed at the parent information evening.
Homework is set every Thursday via Google Classroom.
We have split them into 3 sections:
Must - We expect the children to do this section every week.
Should - The children should be having a go at this section of the homework, yet we understand it may not get done every week.
Could - This is to extend topic interests and is an optional part of the homework.
Please spend some time supporting your child with these activities. We do understand time can be an issue over weekends so homework will be set on a Thursday. Please turn in their work with your comment about how much support your child needed on Google Classroom.
Regular reading is still expected and we are asking children and/or parents to record reading at least 3 times a week in their new CAPER diary. Please keep books in their protective plastic wallets in their book-bags and have them in school everyday.
You have been issued with a homework book. You can use this to practise spelling and to complete any homework. You do not need to bring this in to school. Please take a photo of any work or write a comment and send it in through Google Classroom.
Help with Reading
Over the year, we need to build up a picture of your child’s reading interests and capabilities. An essential part of this is using the CAPER diary. Please make a short comment EVERY time they read at home; this should be a minimum of 3 times a week.
To help to build up useful evidence of your child’s reading progress, please use the following types of comments when recording in the diary:
XXXX (Name of child) was able to give a prediction saying ……
XXXX read fluently but needed to segment and blend ‘dangerous’
XXXX said the character P was greedy because …
XXXX enjoyed finding facts about snails and found the answer to questions
XXXX wanted to read this book because he likes the author and has also read ….
XXXX thought this story was similar to the book ZZZ because …
XXXX read this to themselves but recalled all the events of the story.
It does not need to be an essay but a more detailed comment like the examples above is extremely useful when finding evidence.
We also encourage the children to write their own comments.
Help with spelling
Click on the link below for ideas to help your child to learn to spell. If you require further explanation, please speak to your class teacher.
We are excited to continue our learning on Numbots. To login, please click https://play.numbots.com/#/intro
If you have lost your login, please speak to your child's class teacher.
Many thanks for your continued support - Year 2 team