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Broadwater School SEND Information Report June 2023

The Information Report explains how Broadwater School outlines support for all of our children whatever their needs or abilities. (This Report complies with the duties in the Equality Act 2010, Special Educational Needs Disability Regulations 2014.)

Our Inclusion Manager (SENCO) is Mrs Tracy Mitchell. Contact can be made with her through the school office.

Broadwater C of E Primary School is a Church Aided mainstream PRIMARY school. We are firmly committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities.

"All children and young people are entitled to an appropriate education, one that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential.
This should enable them to:

  • achieve their best
  • become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and
  • make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training."
    SEND Code of Practice, 2015  

For further information please see West Sussex Local Offer. 


Prior to entry to Broadwater C of E, transition meetings are held between EY staff, parents and the pre-school setting. Families have the opportunity to discuss concerns about their child.  The SENCO liaises with appropriate professionals that may already be involved in the life of the child or family and the school operates an “open door” policy for parents to visit and discuss any additional needs their child may have. There may be additional transition visits for the children to familiarise themselves with their new learning environment and teacher/ support staff.

Through monitoring and assessment, a child’s progress is tracked and parents are quickly informed of any concerns through informal meetings and formal reporting. Parents of a SEND child on the SEND register are entitled to a meeting with the class teacher termly. This will usually be alongside the SENCO or SEND teacher and will be the forum to discuss progress, desired outcomes and next steps for the individual child.

Any parent concerns are taken up by the SENCO or a member of Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the child will be monitored or placed on the school SEND register if appropriate. In some circumstances a referral to an external professional agency will be completed to investigate a child’s needs.


Who will oversee and plan the education programme?

The school’s SENCO will manage the SEND register for children with Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP) and those at SEN school support. This is a fluid record of the pupils needing additional support over and above “quality first teaching” strategies. Children will move on and off the register according to progress and additional provision required.

The class teacher, SENCO, SEND Teacher and members of the Senior Leadership Team oversee the additional programmes set for individuals and small groups. These will be recorded on an individual Pupil Profile and a Provision Map. The SENCO/SEND Teacher meets with the teachers and parents on a termly basis to review the programmes and decide the next steps for each pupil. If appropriate, the meeting will include the pupil in the review and decision making process.

Sometimes outcomes may be set by other professionals working with a child and these will be taken into account in the school setting. i.e. Speech and Language Therapist.


Who will be working with my child and how often?

The Pupil Profile and Provision Map will outline the additional support an individual child receives over and above the “quality first teaching.” This could be work with the Class Teacher, TA, Pastoral leader, SENCO, SEND Teacher, Senior Manager, Volunteer or Specialist Teacher. The frequency and length of an intervention will be detailed on the individual Provision Map. This information is also recorded on the Target Tracker system as an overview of additional provision for an individual child.

Progress is monitored in the classroom setting and formally in SEND reviews on a termly basis. Parents and pupils are invited to be a part of the review process and we encourage a special partnership between home and school.  

An individual child may be supported by an external professional within the school day or through appointments attended out of school. e.g.: Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech and Language (SALT), Children and Young Adults Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Children’s Care, Early Help, Young Carers, NHS Medical Professional, Learning, Behavioural, Advisory Team, (LBAT), Play Therapist or a tutor. School will liaise with these external professionals to support the child’s development in an area of need.

What will be their roles?

The adult support and additional provision (TAs, SEND Teacher) will work towards the achievement of the individual’s short and long term outcomes. These will be held in the classroom and will often be linked to the core subjects of Maths and English when a child has slow progress in these subjects and is receiving additional support.

Examples of other provision may be through the delivery of a SALT programme on a 1:1, or sessions with the school’s Pastoral Leader to address a social or emotional need.

Programmes of intervention will be led by the class teachers and overseen by the SENCO/ SEND Teacher and the members of SLT. Feedback of any outcome achieved will be recorded on the updated individual Pupil Profile.

The external professionals work specifically within their area of expertise. They may review the progress of the child on a yearly basis and set long and short term outcomes along with programmes to address these in the school setting. They also have a responsibility to report back to the school and parents.

Who will explain this to me?

The school’s SEND Policy sets out the ethos and procedures followed at Broadwater C of E Primary School. Parents will receive termly, written communication from the SENCO/ SEND Teacher, as well as being able to discuss their child on a formal basis. Any requests for additional appointments can be made with the school office or directly with the SENCO.

Parents will have access to any external professionals that are working to support their child and consequently may be invited to meetings and receive feedback from reviews/observations.

How are the school governors involved and what are their responsibilities?

The school governing body receives a termly report from the SENCO to update their knowledge and understanding of the school’s SEND needs and provision. It is their responsibility to oversee the policy, provision and procedures of SEND at Broadwater.

There is a named SEND Governor who meets regularly with the SENCO on an informal and formal basis. The SEND Governor will be invited to Annual Review meetings if appropriate.



What are the school’s approaches to curriculum adaptation?

Broadwater’s SEND Policy states that each individual child should be working at the most appropriate level within a subject- therefore adaptation of the curriculum is key to finding the balance between tasks that are challenging but achievable. Adaptation is “quality first teaching” and it is the class teacher’s responsibility to know the level at which to pitch a lesson to a particular pupil dependent on needs. Tasks will be adapted in the classroom setting, or by interventions in a small group. There will be additional resources to support some children. These could include resources to support dyslexic learners, visual supports and practical equipment.

Settings for Mathematics is the practice in Year 6 where children are taught in 3 groups with some adaptation by ability. The groups are fluid and children move between them, dependent on progress. The school looks closely at how it can tailor intervention for groups and individuals so that children can make the best possible progress.

Interventions can take place within the school day, or sometimes before school. The children can be withdrawn in a small group to focus on a shared outcome, or on a 1:1 for an individual outcome.

Homework will be adapted to meet the learners’ abilities.

Adaptation is recorded on the class teachers’ planning and seen in the outcomes of the pupils’ work.

To meet the needs of some SEND children they may be working within a Band lower than their school age and some children could be Pre-Key Stage.


How will that help my child?

Adaptation of the curriculum and intervention will provide support and challenge for every individual child in working towards their set, short term outcomes and good progress across all subjects.


In addition to the normal reporting arrangements, what opportunities will there be for me to discuss his or her progress with the staff?

In addition to normal reporting arrangements, parents of children on the SEND register will be invited to meet with the SENCO/ SEND Teacher and class teacher each term. This will be the forum for reviewing short and long term outcomes. Broadwater, has an “open door” approach to parents and champions the partnership between home and school.

How does the school know how well my child is doing?

Progress is measured through formal assessment and informal teacher assessment. SEND outcomes are regularly assessed in the classroom and progress is monitored by the SENCO and the members of SLT. SEND children have a formal review each term. Children with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) will have an Annual Review Meeting at least once a year to up-date the EHCP. This is held by the SEND Team at West Sussex.

Pupils at Broadwater are aware of their “Next Steps” that are held by the Class Teacher. They are given opportunities to review their own progress alongside an adult in the classroom setting. Pupils with an EHCP will be supported to record their feelings and aspirations for their Annual Review Meeting.

Specific assessments may be used to highlight strengths and weaknesses on a 1:1 basis and these tests will be set by the SENCO. Parents will be informed of any new outcomes or adaptations resulting from such investigations.

In addition, a child’s well-being and happiness is closely monitored by all school staff. We are very aware that an anxious or unhappy child will have barriers to learning.  Children are aware of the adults they can talk to, including the class teacher/ TA, SENCO, Pastoral Lead and Senior Staff. Children will have the opportunity to work 1:1 or in a small group with the Pastoral Leader if their emotional literacy is a concern.

How will I know what progress my child should be making?

The procedures and method of recording progress includes the use of “Target Tracker” at Broadwater. Children will be assessed within a Band as:

  • Beginning
  • Working Within
  • Secure

Broadwater seeks to ensure that parents are aware of any concerns through informal meetings, phone conversations or e-mails. The annual school report will formally inform parents of the progress their child has made. Any child not making the expected progress will be flagged up to the SENCO/ SEND Teacher and Senior Leadership Team who will inform parents and direct appropriate resources if necessary.

What opportunities will there be for regular contact about things that have happened at school, such as a home school book?

Home/School communication is considered to be extremely important at Broadwater. It is common for a communication book to be set up if agreed appropriate. Teachers are happy to have phone conversations and informal meetings at the end of the day, if requested and booked through the office. The SENCO can be used as a liaison between the class teacher and parents. Communication is welcomed by phone and e-mail through the school office.

How will you explain to me how his or her learning is planned and how I can help support this outside of the school?

All parents are invited to a Curriculum News Meeting each term, detailing the outline of the curriculum. Children in Early Years will be invited to a series of meetings where the teaching of reading and other key skills are discussed.

Parents of SEND children are informed of provision through the Pupil Profile and Provision Maps and these may be explained in detail at the review meetings with the SENCO/ SEND Teacher and class-teacher. Any parental support and work to be continued at home will be outlined. Teachers will plan weekly homework for children based on the teaching and learning done each week. This is uploaded to Google Classroom or given as a paper copy.

Parents are expected to support their child and ensure that the homework is completed.

In addition, parents can be invited to meetings that explain in detail the school’s practices. The aim of these is to communicate the methodology used to teach reading, writing and mathematics.

How and when will I be involved in planning my child’s education?

Home/School communication is considered to be extremely important at Broadwater. Any concerns or advice from the home environment is valued and could be taken into account when planning for the individual child. The forum for this will be the SEND review meetings with the class teacher and the SENCO/ SEND Teacher. Each child will have a “Pupil Profile” up-dated once a term. This will detail the profile of the child; their strengths and needs, the additional provision for the term, present progress across the core subjects and the expected outcomes. The parent's and pupil’s opinions are considered essential to the profile.

Do you offer any parent training or learning events?

Parents are invited to meetings that explain in detail the school’s practices. These hope to communicate the methodology used to teach reading, writing, mathematics and science. There are several learning events planned over the academic year that are linked to the school development plan and the changes in the school curriculum.


What is the pastoral, medical and social support available in the school for children with SEN and disabilities?

The Head Teacher Mr Aaron Morrissey responsible for Child Protection Safeguarding. Other members of the Senior Management Team are also trained in Child Protection procedures and practices.

Anna Corless- Deputy Head Teacher

Tracy Mitchell- SENCO

Sharon Robertson – Pastoral Leader

The SENCO and Pastoral Leader are responsible for the monitoring of pastoral needs and provision, with the class teachers having responsibility for the pupils in their care. All school staff have a responsibility to report concerns to the named Safeguarding Lead. See the school’s Safeguarding Policy.

Support and provision for social and emotional needs are strong. We have a full time Pastoral Leader. Children work on a 1:1 basis and in small groups to address issues of anxiety or other barriers to learning. The SENCO/ Pastoral Leader are able to call on the support services in county and other professionals to support families. This may involve the opening of an Early Help Plan for a family to enable access to the local support network, or a discussion with the school’s Designated Support “Worker. A referral to Children’s Services’ Integrated Front Door may be necessary for significant levels of support for a family.

The school’s Welfare Officer is presently responsible for children’s medical needs and is supported in this role by the SENCO. The School Nursing Service also supports the school to manage medical issues and vulnerable pupils with Medical Care Plans.

How does the school manage the administration of medicines and providing personal care?

Broadwater has a policy for the administering of medicines and this is adhered to and managed by the office staff and other First Aid trained staff members. Medical Care Plans are agreed for pupils when appropriate and staff are aware of additional medical needs on a “need to know” basis. All staff are trained in the school procedures.

Children’s personal care is managed on an individual’s needs. This will be written into the care plan and can be supported by the School Nursing Service and other NHS professionals.

What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusions and increasing attendance?

Broadwater has a clear Behaviour Policy and excellent procedures and practices to support pupils’ behaviour and nurture. Class teachers are strongly supported by the SLT and the SENCO/ Pastoral Leader in their management of inappropriate or unnecessary behaviour. There is a network of support through the pastoral care of pupils and the school has a tradition of working with parents and families to improve behaviour difficulties.

Support could include:

  • Pastoral Leader sessions/group.
  • Involvement of Senior Leadership.
  • Meetings with the SENCO.
  • Involvement from the Designated School Support Worker and signposting to additional family support.
  • Early Help Plan- accessing additional family support and medical advice if appropriate.

Involvement of the Learning Inclusion Team (LBAT) and the Social/Communication Team can provide advice and additional resources for managing behaviour and avoiding exclusions.

Many of the school staff are trained in the TEAM TEACH methods of behaviour management. This is completed on a rolling programme and regularly up-dated.

The Head Teacher, SENCO and the school’s Welfare Officer meet monthly to discuss attendance concerns. This is also monitored daily by the office and class teachers. Concerns are bought to the attention of SLT and the SENCO/ Pastoral Leader to investigate. The child and family will be supported pastorally, as detailed above, to improve attendance issues. In serious attendance cases the Head Teacher can issue a fine and there will be involvement from the Pupil Entitlement Team.


Broadwater has a strong pupil voice and children are encouraged to participate fully in school life and their learning. Pupils are provided with significant opportunities to contribute views in the classroom, as part of Class Council that feeds into School Council Meetings and Eco Council.

Children in Key Stage Two will be made aware of their own targets or “Next Steps” and share the responsibility for monitoring progress towards the required outcomes. This is shared with all the adults that work with the individual child and the parents.

Pupils in Key Stage One are aware of their “Next Steps” that are held by the Class Teacher. They are given opportunities to review their own progress alongside an adult. These could be the SENCO/ SEND Teacher, Class Teacher or TA.

Children in Year 5 are trained on a yearly basis as Peer Mediators to support pupils on the playground. They work by negotiation to handle any lunchtime disagreements of a non-serious nature.

Children are asked to contribute to any meeting or review either in the context of the meeting or via a 1:1 with a trusted adult. This could be to review their Pupil Profile, Class Next Steps, Behaviour Plan, PEP or Education and Health Care Plan.  

For a child that struggles to communicate – provision for the pupil voice will be arranged. This could be through work with the Pastoral Leader or another trusted adult. Communication could be through photographs or pictures.

How will the school support my child to do this?

Through the ethos and practices of Broadwater children are encouraged to participate fully in school life and their learning. If children struggle with participation they may be further supported by the Pastoral leader or TA to help them access and participate in the things they find hard.

There will be organised times and events over an academic year to ensure that the pupils have ample opportunity to express their opinions and feelings about their education and school life at Broadwater C of E.


Are there specialist staff working at the school and what are their qualifications?

Although fluid and flexible, the staff at Broadwater are skilled and experienced professionals. New opportunities for training are taken up by all staff frequently. Our TAs are invited to relevant INSET days and staff meetings. They have monthly TA meetings.

  • All staff have had training on the teaching of phonics with the Ruth Miskin Team from Read Write Inc. On-going interventions take place across the year groups when appropriate.
  • Several TAs are qualified to deliver group Mathematics interventions - “Numbers Count”, “1stClass@Number” and “Success@Arithmatic.”
  • We have a Pastoral Leader- highly trained in the management of barriers to children’s well-being and supporting children through these. (Bereavement, Separation, Emotional Understanding, Anxiety, Emotional School Based Refusal.)
  • The SENCO has Level 4 Certificate in Mental Health Aware Leadership.
  • Trained staff in TEAM TEACH. (Behaviour management.) This is up-dated bi-annually.
  • Two TAs are trained to deliver the Jump Ahead programme and others offer skills in addressing fine and gross motor needs.
  • The SENCO and Pastoral Leader have attended a series of twilight training that have addressed: Anxiety, Social and Communication issues, ADHD, and Social Stories/Comic Strip Conversations. 
  • The SALT has provided training on a variety of aspects of speech needs, both expressive and receptive, including sensory needs.
  • The SENCO and SEND Teacher will start the LBAT Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Award programme in Spring, 2024.

What other services does the school access, including health, therapy and social care services?

Broadwater has access to external services including medical health and social care through the Designated School Support Team, Early Help and the referral procedures to the NHS services. We have good links with services and use opportunities to seek advice through drop-in sessions and consultations. Our school is part of a group of local schools that can regularly meet to network and share knowledge and expertise in certain areas of school life. Our close links with the neighbourhood of churches allows us access to further pastoral care.


Can you include recent and future planned training and disability awareness?

As detailed in specialist staff.

We are pro-active in seeking new training opportunities for all our staff members.


Will he or she be able to access all of the activities of the school and how will you help him or her to do so?

Broadwater has an excellent record of being able to include pupils with additional needs in all aspects of school life including residential trips. This has involved significant communication with parents and a degree of flexibility in planning, including detailed Risk Assessments.

The SENCO is responsible for the planning of additional support and provision in activities outside the classroom and in negotiation with parents and school staff to find solutions to problems foreseen. The risk assessment is completed to ensure provision is adequate and this is shared with all the appropriate adults.

How do you involve parent carers in planning activities and trips?

Parents are fully involved in the planning of additional support for activities and trips. The risk assessment is completed with parents and they have opportunities to discuss concerns and practical difficulties. Parents of SEN children are encouraged to volunteer for activities and trips as a parent helper -when appropriate and as a support for the individual child.


Is the building fully wheelchair accessible?

All areas of the building are wheelchair accessible. We have ramps and a lift to gain access to the first floor classrooms. We recognise however, that the classrooms being roughly 2/3 of the recommended DFE standard size creates some mobility difficulties for wheelchair users and in their safe movement around the small classrooms in Year 1 /2 and Years 3 / 4.

Have there been improvements in the auditory and visual environment? Are there disabled changing and toilet facilities?

Broadwater is supported by the Sensory Support Team (SST) and takes advice from the sensory professionals on the environment in regard to the needs of the children.  We have borrowed equipment to enhance the auditory environment when required. The outdoor areas are clearly marked and hazards highlighted. An audit is completed by the SST when a child with a disability is moving to a new learning environment.

We have one disabled toilet on the ground floor, but not on the first floor. We do not presently have changing facilities for any of the children other than the toilet areas.

How does the school communicate with parent carers whose first language is not English?

Broadwater has an increasing bank of resources to communicate with parents whose first language is not English- including standard letters and the use of interpretation. We are also supported by the EMAG (Ethnic Minority Achievement Team.) 

For formal parent meetings an interpreter is employed.


What preparation will there be for both the school and my child before he or she joins the school?

Prior to entry into Broadwater C of E, transition meetings are held between Early Years staff, parents and the pre-school setting. Families have the opportunity to discuss concerns. The SENCO liaises with external professionals who have involvement and the school operates an “open door” policy for parents to visit and discuss any additional needs their child may have.

How will he or she be prepared to move onto the next stage?

Transition programmes are in place to support children moving from year to year and then to their chosen secondary school. These involve additional visits to the new environment and preparation books to take home over holidays. The older children get additional opportunities to ask questions to secondary school pupils and sessions to voice worries and concerns. All safeguarding and SEND records are shared with the secondary placement as securely transferred via CPOMs and in paper form.

For children with a statement or EHCP, CLA or Adopted, the appropriate secondary school representative will be invited to the final Annual Review, CLA Meeting or PEP at Broadwater and there will be additional transition put in place if agreed between the schools and parents/carers.

What information will be provided to his or her new school?

Transition programmes are in place to support children moving from year to year and then to their chosen secondary school. Meetings are set up in the Summer Term to liaise with high school staff regarding SEND and vulnerable pupils transferring schools. All pupil records are passed to the SEND department at the end of the summer term, prior to the children starting secondary. Representative staff from secondary schools are invited to significant meetings in the summer term. (Annual Reviews, CLA, PEP.) The SENCO is able to visit chosen secondary placements with the parents/carers of vulnerable pupils, prior to transition.

We are legally obligated to copy and send on any Child Protection records to the new school. This will be via the electronic CPOMS system and in paper form.

How will you support a new school to prepare for my child?

Meetings are set up in the summer term to liaise with high school staff regarding SEND and vulnerable pupils transferring schools. Progress and necessary provision are shared.

Records are transferred prior to the children starting the new school.


How is the school’s special educational needs budget allocated?

The SEND budget is planned and allocated dependent on the needs of the SEND register in any academic year. This includes allocation for formal meetings and specialist equipment/resources required.

Staffing allocation is separate and is again dependent on the SEND needs across the school and any new children with additional needs joining the school.


Can you describe the decision-making process?

Support will be dependent on the collective needs across the school at any one time.

Class Teachers and support staff will flag up concerns to the SENCO and SLT.

The decision making process will be on an individual basis, taking into account any services externally accessed. Parents will be able to share their thoughts at termly SEND meetings. Professionals involved with the child will be part of the decision making process in an advisory capacity. The allocation of adult support is apportioned in the summer term by the SENCO and the Senior Management Team. This support will be flexible and fluid, subject to adaptation if the needs of the school change.

Who will make the decision and on what basis?

The decision will be based on discussion between teaching staff, TA advice, SENCO/ SEND Teacher advice, Senior Management, any other external professionals and parents/carers. The final decision will be the SLT under advice from the staff and external professionals involved. This support will be flexible and fluid, subject to adaptation if the needs of the child change.

How does the school judge whether the support has had an impact?

Support and provision is monitored informally by Class Teachers regularly and formally once a term. Senior Managers track the progress and impact of additional provision and the SENCO/ SEND Teacher reviews the Pupil Profiles/ Provision maps / EHCP Annual Reviews accordingly. Communication with class teachers/ TAs / the child and the parents provide further evidence.

The school's Pastoral Leader works closely with the SENCO to discuss their caseload and highlight pupils that would benefit from pastoral sessions. A range of strategies are used to track the impact of nurturing interventions, particularly the pupils’ voice and parental opinion. SLT meet termly with the SENCO to review pupil needs in addition to progress and attainment.


Arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with SEND about the school's support are within the scope of the school's complaints procedure. Please refer to the Complaints Policy that can be found in the Letters, Forms and Policies section of the school website. Where parents have specific complaints about the Education Health Care (EHC) procedures, or about the content of their child's EHC plan, they should contact the local authority.


Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child?

Prior to entry- the SENCO - Tracy Mitchell will be available to answer any questions or discuss a child’s needs. 

Once on role, the class teacher will be the initial contact on a daily basis for minor or routine questions or comments.

Appointments can be made at the office to see any staff member including the SENCO, Pastoral Leader and members of SLT.

Who else has a role in my child’s education?

All professional and school staff involved with a child have a role to play in his/her progress and education. Communication between these adults is vital to the success and progress of an individual child.

Who can I talk to if I am worried?

Broadwater’s SENCO has an “open door” policy for parents to come and voice concerns or pass on information. Class teachers are available for longer conversations at a given appointment time. The Senior Leadership Team can be accessed via the school office for set appointments.

The school office will take a message and signpost parents to the most appropriate staff member to answer their concern. Parents can email the teacher via the school office email.

Who should I contact if I am considering whether my child should join the school?

Any questions on SEND provision can be directed to the SENCO- Tracy Mitchell.

Any questions on admissions should be directed to the Admission Officer, via the school office.

Tracy Mitchell


Up-date June 2023